While the SEO world revolves around keywords, backlinks, and technical prowess, there are certain aspects that often remain buried beneath the surface. These hidden gems, when unearthed, can grant your website that extra edge in search rankings.

As we move towards a new era in search – Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) – the way that people find answers to their questions is going to change. This by no means signals the end for SEO – we suspect, it will be the opposite in fact. Businesses will need to invest more into SEO to maximise the potential traffic from search as older strategies may no longer yield the results they have in the past but new tactics can open up new doors.

The importance of E-E-A-T

Whilst Google is never going to tell you how to rank well in organic search, they certainly drop plenty of hints about the things you should be focusing on and the major narrative right now is E-E-A-T – Expertise, Experience, Authority and Trust. Creating content that demonstrates these four traits will help to open new doors for you as SGE starts to roll out and should be the core tactic that underpins any SEO strategy.

Hidden Gems are expected to play a big part of the SGE landscape and whether you target your owned content for hidden gems (blogs, podcasts, social media etc) or you target third-party content for hidden gems (Quora, Reddit etc), you need to focus on delivering content that ticks all the E-E-A-T boxes if you want to continue to perform well in organic search.

In this post, we will highlight some key tactics you should be focusing on now, along with some actionable tips to help you position yourself for the rollout of SGE.

1.     The Power of Personal Narrative

Google’s recent “hidden gems” update emphasises the value of first-hand knowledge and personal experiences. Studies by the University of California, Berkeley show that users gravitate towards content that resonates with their own experiences.

  • Actionable Tip: Craft blog posts or website sections dedicated to sharing unique insights and personal anecdotes relevant to your niche.
  • Pro Tip: Encourage user-generated content by featuring customer experiences or running Q&A sessions with industry experts. This adds diverse voices and strengthens the authenticity factor.

2.     Leveraging the Underrated: Long-tail Keywords with Low Search Volume

While high-volume keywords hold immense value, dismissing long-tail keywords with low search volume can be a missed opportunity. Ahrefs reports that 92.42% of all keywords receive 10 or fewer searches per month.

  • Actionable Tip: Utilise tools like Keywordtool.io or answerthepublic.com to uncover long-tail keywords with high intent.
  • Pro Tip: Focus on creating content that addresses specific user queries and offers in-depth solutions. This approach caters to a targeted audience with a genuine interest, potentially leading to higher conversion rates.

3.     Optimising for Featured Snippets

Featured snippets, also known as answer boxes, appear at the top of search results for specific queries. Studies by Search Engine Watch reveal that featured snippets can boost click-through rates by up to 31.3%.

  • Actionable Tip: Identify relevant long-tail keywords with question formats and tailor your content to provide concise and informative answers.
  • Pro Tip: Structure your content using clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points to improve readability and increase the chances of Google selecting your content for the featured snippet.

4.     Building Relationships in Unconventional Spaces

Backlinks remain a crucial SEO factor, but the focus shouldn’t solely be on high-authority websites. Engaging with niche communities and forums can present valuable link-building opportunities.

  • Actionable Tip: Participate in relevant online discussions, provide helpful insights, and establish yourself as a thought leader within your community. This can lead to organic backlinks from other community members.
  • Pro Tip: Look for online forums or niche publications that accept guest posts. Contribute valuable content aligned with your expertise to earn backlinks and reach a targeted audience.

5.     Unveiling the SEO Potential of Personal Branding

While technical SEO forms the foundation, building a strong personal brand online can act as a powerful amplifier. Platforms like Quora and Reddit provide unique opportunities to:

  • Establish Yourself as an Authority: By consistently providing valuable insights and solutions on these platforms, you position yourself as a thought leader in your field. This can lead to increased website traffic as users discover your expertise and seek out your content.
  • Expand Your Reach: Engaging with relevant communities on Quora and Reddit allows you to connect with a wider audience interested in your niche. This can drive referral traffic to your website and broaden your brand awareness.
  • Boost Content Credibility: Building a reputation for providing valuable information on these platforms can indirectly enhance the credibility of your website’s content.

Important Note: Remember, the key to leveraging these platforms effectively lies in providing genuine value and fostering authentic interactions. Avoid blatant self-promotion, and prioritise offering insightful solutions and engaging in meaningful discussions.


By incorporating these hidden gems into your SEO strategy, you can unlock new avenues for organic traffic and establish your website as a valuable resource for your audience. Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint, and consistently providing informative and valuable content is crucial for long-term success.

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