Fairfax Media

Our client Essential Mums is the go-to website for expert information on pregnancy, babies, little kids, big kids, right up to family life. Digital Hothouse were brought in to review and improve on their existing adwords campaign as well as reviewing their site and make content recommendations to maximise the use of search.
We welcomed this opportunity to work with one of New Zealand’s biggest brands to maximise the profit on each page view from visits from Google Adwords.
Website Design and Development
The brief
The aim of the project was to get visits that were profitable for Essential Mums. The media platform of selling advertising space drives the traffic generation strategies to work on Costs per Page Views. Fairfax told us their revenue per page view that they generated, and it was our task to achieve a lower cost per page view so that the traffic is profitable.
The challenge
The main aim of the project was to drive page views at a cost of less than the revenue generated for website advertising.
The first thing that Digital Hothouse applied was linking Google Adwords and the Essential Mums Google Analytics account. Without these being linked, it is impossible to understand how many pageviews each visit is achieving and thus makes it impossible to optimise the website around those keywords that are the most profitable.
The second thing we realised was that the Average Cost per Click was far too high – this is generally because of poor quality scores, and therefore not ideal optimisation. Since taking over the Adwords account, we reduced the Average CPC by 60%. This allows us to generate 60% more visitors for no additional expenditure, and as long as these visitors don’t increase in bounce rate, the account becomes 60% more profitable!
We’ve also managed to achieve a drop in the Cost per Page View of 46%. This has almost halved their cost of a page view since the start of the campaign. Unfortunately, we can’t compare this to their previous agency because they didn’t even bother connecting Google Adwords with the Google Analytics account!
The Results
The competition launched on the last day of June and at this point, only the Four Canoes Facebook page had any followers (around 400) so we had our work cut out to try and promote each of the pages and generate the volume of followers that would ensure we could engage with them beyond the launch of the Facebook pages. The results we achieved over the four week period that the competition ran were staggering:
drop in Average Cost per Click
"Content Marketing is a commitment, not a campaign"